Monday, March 31, 2008



Word of the Day
castigate- (v.) to criticize or reprimand severely.
"Creatively causing caustic castigations is concurrently a corrupted cataract of cancerous cavalcades."

Chinless Man of the Week

Janove Ottesen

Lookout Sweden! Norway's sneaking up behind you with their own acoustic laden, jazz inspired indie lo-fi pop-rock. And look! A chinless man at the forefront! 'Tis a proud day indeed for the weakly bechinned you'll kindly excuse me as I fantasize about Andrew Bird, Thom Yorke and Matt Bellamy lounging about a smoky, dimly lit opium den regaling young Mr. Ottesen about the way and wiles of a chinless musician; taking him under their talented wings and preparing him for greatness. Welcome, Janove!

Oh look, a link to his myspace page. Might I suggest "Forget About Me" for your listening pleasure.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Daily Haiku for March 28, 2008

Is Norway the new
Sweden? Look out, you tall blondes!
The Lutefisk are in!

Word of the Day
hullabaloo- (n.) a clamorous noise or disturbance; uproar.
"'How horrendous!' howled Harriette as her hungry herons heralded her with a horrific hullabaloo."

Co-Worker Theatre Presents:

The Great Atlantic vs. Pacific Debate


The Cubies


Scene 1- Fishbowl cubicles. Cubie #1 sits at her desk reading Cubie #2 enters st. lft. With papers in hand. She stops in front of Cubie #1’s desk.

Cubie #2:

My son leaves for China on Sunday!

Cubie #1:

Is he excited?

Cubie #2:

Oh yeah! He loves flying!

Cubie #1:

So, they fly over the Pacific to get to China, right?


(Remains silent, peers anticipating over computer monitor.)

Cubie #2:

Yes-no, wait. They fly over the Atlantic to get to China. You cross the Pacific going to other way; to Australia.



Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daily Haiku for March 26 & 27, 2008

OH SNAP! I'm really
bad at remembering to
write these damn haiku!

Here's a double dose
from me to you, dear forwards.
So it...

Don't strain yourself, guys.
Word scrambles and porn:
A typical workday for
my cubicle mates.

Word of the Day
manteau- (n.) a mantle or cloak; esp. one worn by women.
"Madame Maudrillard's maroon manteau mauled Mireille's meticulously managed mauve muumuu."

Word of the Day
mordant- (adj.) sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker; biting.
"Mordred's murderous mumblings markedly managed a mordant and menacing mantra."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Roqblog No. 1

So a few months ago (to be precise, three months and twenty-five six days ago) I made a resolution to not let things pass me by. A little generic, yes. But I made it nonetheless. It all came into being as I realized that come this July I will have been back in the states for two years, TWO FUCKING YEARS that just flew right past me with little accomplishment or moments of regard.

That’s a lie. I met some really, really cool people in the past two years, taught actually valuable lessons to high school kids (“Never leave school, the real world sucks,” and “What should you do today? Stage a revolution, things are getting a little quiet around here.”), fulfilled a two separate life goals of working as a Camp Counselor (twice!), and as a Sandwich Artiste, closed a few lingering chapters of my life, and existed as a transient gypsy child completely against settling in any place for too long. Hell, I even signed a lease, bought a bed, found a “real” job and took out a loan on a new car.

So I guess that first paragraph is all bollocks, but whatever. THE POINT IS, the last two years have absolutely flown by me and that is disturbing. So I dared myself to do something I had always wanted to do (that is also a lie, it should read: Something I had been wanting to do since I was nine years old listening to Offspring’s “Smash” while roller-skating in my garage and knew I would always regret if I didn’t try) (Aren’t I enterprising?). I auditioned for a band. YAY ME. And guess what? Through no small feat of my sheer and overpowering AWESOMENESS (and the possibility of being the only person who didn’t outwardly suck balls or cancel on them) I am apparently the new (politically correct) front-person for said band. Pretty cool, no? Yeah, it is.

Even though I still feel like I’m only 74% their (politically correct) front-person (as the ever pressing fear of receiving the “you know what, nevermind” e-mail lingers in my nightmares), I am pretty happy about how things are playing out thus far. Finally I can sit around staring dreamily at the sky, siphoning creative inspiration into the inkwell of my writing pen, placing words and melodies to paper without feeling a demmed literary fool. Now when people say in a sneering leer, “What is that? Poetry?” I can cheerfully respond, “Nay, citizen. ‘Tis a storm of lyrical might that will be supported by musical euphonies your Neolithic cerebellum cannot possibly perceive as anything less than wonderful.”

It’s good to be me right now.

So, ANYWAYS, I’ve decided this will become a popular (re: POPULAR ‘cos I’m cool like that) topic of my blogular[1] writings. Sort of an “evolutionary metamorphosis of a band” type thing. It’ll probably be an on-going deal from time to time as long as the guys don’t kick me out (don’t kick me out, guys). Once we choose a name and start doing things I’ll probably rally to be the official blog writer on what will presumably be our so-fucking-kickass-your-tears-bleed-blood myspace page (rawr!). Till then, I’ll post here and there about rehearsals et whatnot. Scintillating, I know. KEEP POSTED!

[1] Heh. I just realized that if I was dyslexic, there would be the chance that I would misspell “blogular” as “globular”. Awesome.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's the BATMAN

I would just like to point out that the president of Bat Conservation International is named Merlin Tuttle.

Oh yes, and that bees and bats are dropping dead for no apparent reason; but that 's not a tiding of, no way.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Chinless Man of the Week

Melvil Poupaud, ladies and gentlemen. Quite honestly, I haven't the slightest fuck who this guy is. But look at him, that tempered franconian scowl, those tousled tresses, that ever-so-well-kempt-scruff. This man is beautiful...and chinless. That being said, I'm back, ladies and gent's, with all the chinless men you can handle, once a week only on the Red-Headed Stepblog.

A robot who is rocking...LEFT-HANDED!!!1!11!!eleven!!

Oh look, a special friend has crawled onto my drawring papers. Hallo, friend.

Daily Haiku for March 24, 2008

I Am An Outlook MASTERMIND!!1!!11!!!!eleven!!
Look! My signature
has returned at the bottom
of the page! Oh wow!

Because there are three, you see.
P.S., dear Trier:
which e-mail address is the
best to reach you at?

Word of the Day
skulduggery- (n.) dishonorable proceedings; mean dishonesty or trickery.
"Sveregard's swerving skulduggery swayed Svenson's snivveling spades from stealing the ceremonial silver swords."

Friday, March 21, 2008


Nerds Love Math
...and Star Wars (har har har)

Is it secret? Is it safe (from a re-edit)?

This marvelous little thing takes Tolkien and, well, rapes the ever-loving bajeebus out of it. I hope they sent a thank you note.

srsly, lulz. Best. Bicycle. Gang. EVAR!

Someone tell the story....
...someone sing the song! Every now and then a guy gets shot and Dr.'s can/cannot save him.

Bender's Fate is Just a Quarter
and an instructional manual away!

My Self-Righteous Sense is Tingling!
Oh wait, that's just your friendly neighborhood ChristianMan.


Co-Worker Theatre Presents: The Boxes

Scene: Me sits at the reception desk clicking halfheartedly on a mouse. Lawyer continually walks behind Me with binders, papers and a few boxes. She makes four passes before re-entering.

Enter Lawyer(st. rt.)

Juan took the dolly didn't he?

(sitting at desk, bored/vaguely uninterested look in eyes)

(sighing loudly)
How the fuck am I supposed to get these boxes downstairs?

(looks at boxes and quickly counts their numbers. There are 4 [four] mid-sized boxes on the ground. Does quick mental math and estimates trajectory of travel including the velocity of the elevator that will carry Lawyer and the boxes down 19 floors to her valet parked car)

Carry them?

(stares vacantly before exiting stage left. Me resumes clicking on teh intraweb as Lawyer returns with 2(two) assistants.)

Assistant #1
Gawd, I wish we had a dolly.
(Asst. 2 stares pointedly at Me).

I knoooow. ugh!

(All head towards elevator, grumbling.)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Daily Haiku for March 20, 2008

Nom nom nom nom nom
Thursday lunches are so cool.
Mainly 'cos it's free.

Word of the Day
repast- (n.) a quantity of food taken or provided for one occasion of eating
"Roland's retrograded rations royally rasied his repasted regard."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Daily Haiku for March 19, 2008

If only things would
slow down for a little bit.
I need a nap, yo!

Word of the Day
somnambulism- sleepwalking
"Scott's somnambulistic escapades scared sleeping Britta as he slammed the door, LOUDLY."

Friday, March 14, 2008

Daily Haiku for the Last Two (2) Weeks

As the cloud of work
Settles over my full desk
I find a moment
To write quite a few
Haiku that I am remiss
in producing, so
here are several
little coupling matches for
you to read and to
Make up for those I
have missed in writing for you:
My stomach, it growls.
A coffee is not
a well-rounded breakfast, but
it's all that I ate.
Perhaps I will have
leftover PF Changs for
lunch this friday.
The sun is not out
So getting cancer is not
an option I have.
Maybe sit in my
car and listen to music?
I'll probably do that.
I have two song to
get through before Tuesday night
with criticism.
It's scary to be
sure, but appreciated.
Sierra is in
town, which is super awesome.
Tomorrow? Omelettes!
And meat pies, oh dear!
Maybe we'll watch Sweeney Todd
as we eat the pies.
That sounds sick enough
to be appropriate for
a night with Britta.

Word(s) of the Day
pertinacious- (adj.) holding tenaciously to a purpose, a course of action, or opinion; resolute.
"Perry's persistent pertinaciousness plugged Pamela's post with pliable platitudes and persnippitiness."
sedulous- (adj.) diligent in application or attention; persevering; assiduous.
"Smarmily, Severus Snape's snivellingly sedulous snides and sneers smeared Harry's sustained celebrity."

Workweek Playlist, Vol. 5:
Out of commission for the time being.
Been busy with stuff 'n' things. Check back later.
When I post this again, you know.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

More presents from the interwebs.

L1nx0r5 from my heart to yours.

Steve Olson strikes again!
This time with a blog referring to a Craig Harper article (quasi similar to this opine of mine). Check it out, he makes a valid point.

The Cake isn't ali(v)e
...and it's delicious.

What a Beautiful World
Now you can watch it in real(ish) time. Nifty website shows you what's been uploaded onto flickr by the minute. I spent about an hour of my time yesterday clicking back to this, seeing the world through stranger's eyes.

Ever miss those jam-band sessions that sparked radio hits? Remember Weezer's early cut of "Death and Destruction"? Yeah, I liked it better without words as well. Looks like Slate agrees.

coolest.teddy bear. EVAR.