Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So I'm TOTALLY live-blogging American Idol

Shaddup...it's Andrew Lloyd Weber night. That's my excuse.
Here we go:

Syesha Mercado-

“One Rock ‘n’ Roll Too Many”

Good performance. Messed the first line, came in late, but quickly recovered from these issues. Needs to be braver about those high notes. She has them, can use them. Grow a spine, kiddo! If I voted, she’d have my vote right now, if only for the fact she chose from Starlight Express.

Jason Castro-


Seriously?! MEMORY?! Why? Who let this kid choose and keep that choice? Why not throw the kid “Love Changes Everything”? He could have KILLED that song, or maybe even “Close Every Door To Me”. Not MEMORY! Double-you tee eff, get him off the stage. Especially since he bungled the ending and kept it low, butchering the best opportunity to show some balls strength.

Paula Abdul- how many strokes has she had? Is that what’s going on with her? She can’t possibly be drunk/narcotocized EVERY week (not like I watch every week, that’s what entertainment blogs are for)

Brooke White-

“You Must Love Me”

No, I don’t think I must. This girl…this girl, something about her faux-modesty and doe-eyes annoys me. Yes, she can sing…if you think a hissing tire with a nail stuck in it sounds harmonious. Yeah, she can carry a tune like a ton of bricks. She sounded dull, flat and bored with the very song she was trying to sound sad, upset and pleading.

UPDATE: I might feel bad if this is true, but is something wrong with her face? Like, she only speaks/sings out of one side of it and it’s really disturbing…like she’s a leering, baby-stealing nanny sitting by herself in the park.

David Archuleta-

“Think of Me”

Kid has an excellent career singing over Disney credits. Unless the apocalypse comes and pop-music decides this kid is the second coming of Peabo Bryson, I can’t see him being supremely successful on the whole. Kudos for the re-imagining, it was a nice take on a very well-known and getting tired tune. I liked it, but…Peabo Bryson.

Carly Smithson-

“Jesus Christ Superstar”

Like getting hit in the face with a bag full of AWESOME followed by a one-two punch of SWEETJEEBUS.

Honestly, live-blogging this, I don’t know how or who is going to follow that.

David Cook-

“Music of the Night”

Gerard Butler did it better, and that’s REALLY saying something. Nice outfit, Kiefer, what is this, 1988?

HAHAHAHA….and that longing gaze at the camera following “…let you BEEEE!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH….jeebus christo. “Touch me, trust me/ savour each sensation” who told him how to pronounce that? Kid, if you sing musical theatre, try to stick to ANYTHING Adam Pascal has done. Stay away from ALW. Much love, the Theatre Nerds.

Randy…”amazing”? Really?

Oh god, now they’re recapping. Lord Weber, I apologize on behalf of the Americans who completely muffed up your music.

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