Yeah, Scorpions and my AWESOME vocal chords. That's right baby, consider yourself fully rocked like a hurricane.
Also, they finally moved the useless scanner that's been keeping me company and allowing scanning these to be an easy-peasy-pie operation. Now, we must covertly use the public scanner in the kitchen. LET'S SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES ME TO GET CAUGHT DRAWING CARTOONS, KIDS!
Skinny and I are checking out THIS BAND tonight. Should be funtimes. I'll have to let you know. This, of course, is all pending on my sleuthing skills being able to unearth my pocketbook (which I cannot find. And yes, I still drove to work because, Dottie, I'm a rebel like that*).
Oh yes, I absolutely cannot get enough of The Mae Shi and Matt and Kim. Check 'em out, kiddy-winks!
EDIT: Gorramit, I just noticed my mouse suddenly morphs into a wireless in the 4th panel. OH WELL, GUESS YOU'LL ALL JUST HAVE TO DEAL. <3's
*Don't tell the authorities, plz. I've given them enough money this week. Kthx XD
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