Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Work Product, Example No. 8

Yes, I get it. Carrying a child, creating life, continuing the existence of the human race, creating something original from your loins...it's all very beautiful and romantic and lovely. Got it. BUT SERIOUSLY, GUYS. Why the Christ is everyone I know gettin' all PREGO right now? 1/3 of the women I work with are prego, 1/3 of my friends either have kids or are prego and there's The Sister as well. This is gettin' crazy peoples. Real crazy. Not that I mind, in fact I'm quite happy for all of you (mostly for Trier and the fact I get to be an Aunt!), but it's like someone tainted the water with Pregojuice that sent all of y'alls hormones into a biological clock racing frenzy.

Whatever. Come the time, ladies, I'll be that single girl at the baby shower; the one who gifted you with hazardous lead tainted toys and is now polishing off that third bottle of champagne with your mom. Congratulations on your conception.

I may sound pessimistic, but note the upward tilt of my drawring. OPTIMISM SHINES THROUGH! Hurra!

ALSO: When/if I ever jump on the Prego Band Wagon (in, like 15 million yrs), someone PLEASE buy me a neon pink mumu with an arrow pointing toward my big fat belly that says "Behbeh".

Friday, September 12, 2008

Work Product, Example No. 7

"Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient".

There is something incandescently peaceful and pleasant about riding your bike in the early hours of the morning that makes the 5a.m. wake-up altogether worthwhile. The feel of marine layer against your skin, the slight breeze in your hair and the constant cyclical motion pushing mile after mile of asphalt under your tires... it's no big surprise that after two years I am still trying to get used to the unhappy fact that I live in America, but at least now I live in a part of the country where bicycles are commonly regarded as a means of transportation. A region where Critical Mass is alive and well and as controversial as it should be. A city where cycling 18miles to work is a common occurence and packing groceries into a backpack is granted a small smile from the cashier. So I guess that's one great thing about Huntington Beach.

NEWS: The iPod ban on our office has now been lifted. After a solid week of nothing but the click-clacking of keyboards and the inane chatter of the co-workers to keep my ears company, I can now tune out the office and happily work along to the euphonious wailing of Karen O. (and yes, the incessant Yeah Yeah Yeahs tangent is still alive and well).

Might check out Oktoberfest this weekend, visitors pending. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS: kartoffeln puree, sauerkraut und brezel!!! Accordionists from Wurzburg! 80yr old contortionists! BIER!!!

The Voyeurs were awesome last weekend what with their cheesy antics and fantastic waistcoats, I highly suggest them. They're playing Alterknit tomorrow night with The Dirty Hearts out of Austin, Texas (and when has the Austin music scene ever steered you wrong?). Looking for something to do? GO CHECK THEM OUT, YO. Doors at 7:30pm, $8 day-of.

P.S. Drawing bicycles is loving difficult, kids!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Work Product, Example No. 6

Yeah, Scorpions and my AWESOME vocal chords. That's right baby, consider yourself fully rocked like a hurricane.

Also, they finally moved the useless scanner that's been keeping me company and allowing scanning these to be an easy-peasy-pie operation. Now, we must covertly use the public scanner in the kitchen. LET'S SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES ME TO GET CAUGHT DRAWING CARTOONS, KIDS!

Skinny and I are checking out THIS BAND tonight. Should be funtimes. I'll have to let you know. This, of course, is all pending on my sleuthing skills being able to unearth my pocketbook (which I cannot find. And yes, I still drove to work because, Dottie, I'm a rebel like that*).

Oh yes, I absolutely cannot get enough of The Mae Shi and Matt and Kim. Check 'em out, kiddy-winks!

EDIT: Gorramit, I just noticed my mouse suddenly morphs into a wireless in the 4th panel. OH WELL, GUESS YOU'LL ALL JUST HAVE TO DEAL. <3's

*Don't tell the authorities, plz. I've given them enough money this week. Kthx XD