Yes, I get it. Carrying a child, creating life, continuing the existence of the human race, creating something original from your's all very beautiful and romantic and lovely. Got it. BUT SERIOUSLY, GUYS. Why the Christ is everyone I know gettin' all PREGO right now? 1/3 of the women I work with are prego, 1/3 of my friends either have kids or are prego and there's The Sister as well. This is gettin' crazy peoples. Real crazy. Not that I mind, in fact I'm quite happy for all of you (mostly for Trier and the fact I get to be an Aunt!), but it's like someone tainted the water with Pregojuice that sent all of y'alls hormones into a biological clock racing frenzy.
Whatever. Come the time, ladies, I'll be that single girl at the baby shower; the one who gifted you with hazardous lead tainted toys and is now polishing off that third bottle of champagne with your mom. Congratulations on your conception.
I may sound pessimistic, but note the upward tilt of my drawring. OPTIMISM SHINES THROUGH! Hurra!
ALSO: When/if I ever jump on the Prego Band Wagon (in, like 15 million yrs), someone PLEASE buy me a neon pink mumu with an arrow pointing toward my big fat belly that says "Behbeh".