The Crusade For The Plains
8:22- We leave the house.
8:45- Stuck under the 55/5 Interchange.
8:51- See upside down car and possible death.
8:52- Finally going more than .05mph.
Our California Escape Route: 55 north-> 91 east-> 15 east-> 40 east.
9:06- Enter Riverside County. Abandon all hope.
9:21- Frau nails her funny bone on a box of Kleenex and is temporarily incapacitated.
9:35- Britta's ears pop; we enter the dreaded Cajon Pass (sadly, we are girl and have no Cajones).
9:45- PEEING. Postcard purchase #1. Gas up: $32.41
9:50- Roll out schon wieder!
9:55- Elevation 4000ft.
9:59- Elevation 4190ft.
10:24- Talk about boys. Discuss their dumbness.
10:31- Reach genesis of I-40. Officially on our way through the vast empitness of the Southwest.
10:35- Hearse.
10:37- Car Rave! Essential to desert travel.
11:02- Star Wars Disco. The desert is hot. Nothing but dirt and rocks surround us.
11:32- Still hot. Still nothing but dirt and rocks.
11:53- Talk about boys, again.
12:04- Big Eff-Off hill to the Colorado River Valley. Frau's ears pop.
12:08- We beak out the (Cheese) Nips!
12:14- Needles, CA. Britta shares a deep dark family story. We are afraid. Radio plays Bittersweet Symphony. Hurrah! Richard Ashcroft!
12:29- ARIZONA!!!
12:41- PEEING
12:58- Souixsie & The Banshees Sing-a-Long
13:30- Subway Samwiches in Kingman. Britta gets an extra cookie for FREE because she is the awesome. Frau forgets the word for "M&M" and gets an Oatmeal Raisin cookie instead.
-Pass the last In 'n' Out. We have truly left civilization for the time being until the first Sonic is sighted.
-Frau impaled by the passenger seat.
13:49- Subway had said they were out of White Chocolate Chip cookies. We realize Britta's free cookie is indeed White Chocolate Chip. Ego Boost= 10 pts.
13:56- 4000ft!
14:03- 5000ft!
14:55- Call Graham and ask which city, exactly, was built on rock 'n' roll. He decrees said metropolis is indeed Seattle.
15:35- 6000ft!
15:39- Slow Okie drivers anger us.
16:15- Scary Arizona power plant. Somewhere, Wolverine is pondering his own existence in an existential manner. Verily.
16:35- Gas, PEEING.
16:40- Roadside Dinosaurs. AWESOME!!!
16:41- We believe we have 3hrs. left until Albuquerque.
16:57- Frau "Coog'd" herself. (see: Tristram Shandy, a Cock and Bull Story)
16:58- Ash (!!) on a random CD
17:18- Horse on the roadside taking a poo.
17:28- Flaming Lips play on CD. Frau dances and claps her hands happily. Red Cliffs appear.
17:37- NEW MEXICO!!!
17:38- Train blows his whistle at us in a jovial greeting. New Mexico= Friendliest State EVAR!!!
17:42- 19:03- Talk about boys.
19:03- Road makes our bums tickle.
19:05- Almost die.
20:07- Arrive in Albuquerque.
20:21- Walk to Target. Car is overrated as of right now.
20:33- Photograph storefronts.
21:01- Return to Quality Inn & Suites to dine on Lean Cuisine.
22:33- Britta realizes she may have contracted fleas from Aubrey's cats. Pussies.
22:55- Typing.
21:00- Sleeping as if dead.
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