It's that time again!
That time of year when the sweatbands and tubesocks get pulled out of the drawers. That time of year when fresh goldfishies get placed into platformed footwear, and wide collars become all the rage!
That's right kids! It's time to start arranging your wardrobe, because this year it's a 70's Birthday for yours truly. Really, I just want an excuse to wear rollerskates, but who can blame me?
So cast your vote now: Bowling or Roller Disco?
Eiher way, we'll be drinking and having a good time, so choose wisely!
More details to follow, but here's the story so far:
October 27th (Friday)
Orange County
70's Gear, and not limited to bell bottoms and tie-dye. Bonus points for primo creativity... like this guy:
Leave me a message and let me know what you think: Bowling or Rollerskating!
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