The Awesome Internet De-Friendings have begun! The following have been placed on Awesome Internet Friend Probation until November 5th, 2008:
Jim Buracchio- Facebook. Crime: Posting a McCain/Palin button on my page.
Michele (formerly) Metcalf- MySpace. Crime: Linking to a CafePress anti-Obama page, posting political nonsense in the Bulletin.
Aaron Goins Lewis- MySpace. Crime: Posting political boobies in the bulletin which, while hilarious, earns him an AIFP.
Shawn Weiske- MySpace. Crime: Prop 8 Propaganda on the bulletin. Though our views are spot on and I agree wholeheartedly, I've got to stick to my guns. Vote NO on Prop 8. AIFP, Mr. Weiske. Batti batti indeed.
Aubrey Guest- MySpace. Crime: Bulletin barrage. I wish people and politics could get along like a fine tea and crumpet...or like pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Damn, I'm hungry now. However, the First Amendement goes both ways. AIFP.
Matthew Wheeler- Myspace. Crime: Prop 8 Propaganda. I agree with you good sir, NO on Prop 8. But a girl must stand by what she said. AIFP 'til Nov. 5th, 2008. Sadly, I won't be in the area to serve as a real-life effectual activist instead of an armchair activist, but I love you the more for getting out there and doing more than hollering on bulletins. SPREAD THE WORD SWEET PEA, and I'll do the same from Orange County! AIFP.
(posted in the Bulletin on Friday, October 24, 2008)
Dearest friends, family, and acquaintances:
I get it. This election is important. You want to share your views, let the world know what you think and feel and believe is good and right in the world.
Should you feel the need to divulge your economic brilliance and/or military stratagem then by all means blog about it, send a personalized e-mail, make a poster, wear a t-shirt, write a speech and stand on the corner of Fairfax and Santa Monica with the rest of the Nouveau-Politico Mercenaries.
Constantly seeing poorly written, anti-Obama slander and "OMG Did You Hear What Palin Said NOW?" diatribes cluttering up my bulletin board not only makes it hard to weed out the good surveys from the bad, but moreso dulls the senses to the campaigns of these two men who may or may not take the steps needed towards changing our current national state. It's bad enough one can't drive to the grocery store without being harangued by ill-informed lobbyists vaulting their favorite candidate in your face, but now the trivial silliness of MySpace is no longer safe.
Here's the deal:
If I want political updates, I will most likely not be turning to MySpace.
If I want to research a candidate, I will most likely not be turning to MySpace.
If I want to become informed on the bills being passed and the possible effects they will have on my way of life and pursuit of happiness, I most definitely WILL NOT be turning to MySpace.
If I want to read the gripes and concerns of imagined 50yr old war veterans scribing open letters to men who will never read them all for the sake of some naive 18+ year old out there to read, I will not be turning to MySpace.
In short: These things have no purpose in the bulletins. They can sit comfortably in your blog, fair enough. Send a bulletin out saying, "OH HAI GUYZ. I wrote a blog. LOLZ. Check it out <3">
But please, keep it out of the bulletin board. It has come to the point that the next person to post a bit of political nonsense will most likely be defriended until Election Day has come and gone. Then we can all be awesome internet friends once again and argue over who was right and who was wrong.
Much love,