Friday, December 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Work Product, Example No. 23
In other news, I feel like hell today. Also managed to pass out about 10 minutes into Buckaroo Banzai. I am AWESOME.
If you ever get the chance, do your little hip self a favor and check out The Henry Clay People live and in person (or on-line. Either way is cool). They've got two albums out, the second just released on Aquarium Drunkard's label, Autumn Tone, so, yo.
November 18th @ EchoPlex w/ Everest (OHHEYFREESHOW).
November 20th @ Prospector w/ Paperplanes
The Sweet Sweet Things and Dolphin City are going to rock the stalactites off of La Cave tonite. You should go. If not then, DETROIT Monday night residency all through November with Francisco the Man. Dooooooooo it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Work Product, Example No. 22
Really, Sonic opening in the SUPER WAL*MART parking lot should not have made me as happy as it did. But it does.
Had a nice weekend up in the Valley That Time Forgot. Drove by the old house, which is for sale. AGAIN. It looks nice and kept up tho, which is a vast improvement on its appearance when I last saw it in May.
Wandered up to Mr. T's in Highland Park last night and saw Eject play. I recommend them, highly. I also recommend, should you visit Mr. T's, that you feverishly lint brush yourself before wandering into the bar, lest the blacklight show what invisible bits still cling to your freshly laundered black cardigan.
The Henry Clay People are supporting Francisco the Man and The Sweet Sweet Things tonight for their November residency at DETROIT Bar. I may wander over there, exhaustion pending.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Work Product, Example No. 21
My ideal man will find this joke HILARIOUS.
Saw TVOTR at The Wiltern last night (with ROB!). It was AWESOME. Although you still can't understand a damn thing the artist is saying when speaking into the mic, but the music sounds good, so it's ok. They closed with "Staring at the Sun", which was awesome and I fully admit it was the song that got me into them. Played most everything off of Dear Science, plus some older goodies, and everything translated from recording to live performance rather well. If you get the chance, go see them. It is good times. That is my review.
Annoying Hipster Girl(tm) in the bathroom kept complaining about the "reverb" and the sound being off and blah blah blah. Then she says, "It was MUCH better when I saw Rooney play here." Now...not that Rooney is bad, per se, but...Rooney...?
Luckily Awesome Hipster Girl(tm) washing her hands started spouting off technical sound board jargon and reasons for the sound issues (sound being set for keyboards and to handle the distortion often causes issues with spoken vocals and crispness, etc. etc.) that made Annoying Hipster Girl(tm) shut her slatternly gob right quick.
Everyone should listen to Koufax. It is most excellent...might one even venture to say sexcellent?
Heading up to the desert tonite, will be there all weekend. LET'S BE FRIENDS AND HANG OUT, YO.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to overanalyze things.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Work Product, Example No. 20

AUGH, wall of text. But an AWESOME wall of text. Although I kinda felt positive Obama would win, I never expected a landslide of such epic proportions. The world looks a little brighter today.
But seriously, California, what.the.fuck. We're supposed to be the crazy, liberal, free-thinker, psuedo-hippie, devil-may-care attitude wielding populace. Not supporters of the Christian right and fans of denying the right to pursue happiness to others. That, THAT, is ridiculous. If you were a person, California, I would bitch slap your ass so hard right now.
IN OTHER NEWS: Michael Crichton died. That's a bummer. The man gave us Jurassic Park and subsequently Jurassic Park Three: Attack of the Foreboding Mist and Oh Yeah, There's Pterodactyl's In This One, It's AWESOME, I Promise. Apparently he had cancer? Bummer, man.
P.S. I followed through with the top secret super-duper awesome thing I had planned for yesterday which is concrete (and permanent) proof that I am NOT a super-duper LAMEASS. All I can say is OW, but not that OW; and YAY.
P.P.S. I blame Danny Spitzer for my love of random CAPITALIZATIONS.
Work Product, Example No. 19
Happy Voting Day! If all goes as planned I will be doing something super-duper awesome in about 2 hrs. If it doesn't go as planned, that just means I'm a super-duper LAMEASS. Updates to follow.
Palmdaleians, Lancasterites! I will be up in the glorious Antelope Valley this weekend, Fri.-Sun. Um, we should hangout. There was mention of Maxdon's on Saturday night so I can review a hi-desert dive bar. So that's where I will be. There or the brand effing new SONIC. Oh delicious leetle tots, come here, you!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Work Product, Example No. 17
O, Ryan North, object of my Internet Crushdom. You and your silly yet awesome Dinosaur Comics. When I tentatively move to Canada following a specific outcome of next week's election, we shall meet and fall madly in love. It is destined to be!
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en! That means I have to come up with some other AWESOME WEBCOMIC (tm) to emulate.
My older sister gave me a $50 gift card to Victoria's Secret for my biRthday. I used this to purchase a super sexy gold and black lace bra; an item SO SEXY that seeing it would cause your face to melt much like that one Nazi in Raiders. You know what I'm talking about.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Work Product, Example No. 17
Natalie Dee. Go there. LOVE IT.
Pale Young Gentlemen are playing The Knitting Factory on Nov. 9th if anyone is interested. Les Blanks is playing with The Voyeurs tomorrow night at R Bar in Koreatown. Lineup alone promises a fun time. The Voyeurs were downright awesome when I caught them at The Echo and Les Blanks rocks a certain Les Savy Fav tonality, one can only hope their enthusiasm keeps up. Most likely I will be catching their set at Mr. T's on Nov. 13th.
Also, check out Honey Claws' "Shout Out" if you're a fan of Animal Collective inspired, golly-this-makes-my-throat-hurt, screamy, poppy electronica.